Daily Devotional Message

Romans 14:23: “But the one who has misgivings feels miserable if he eats meat, because he doubts and doesn’t eat in faith.”

The apostle Paul urges believers to hold fast to their faith and convictions, emphasizing that whatever is not done in faith is sin. This powerful verse prompts you to reflect on the importance of the state of your hearts as you navigate through the complexities of life. Paul's words serve as a gentle reminder that your actions and choices should align with your genuine belief and trust in God.

You should examine the motives behind your decisions, encouraging you to ensure that they originate from a place of unwavering faith and reliance on the Lord. This verse is a beacon of guidance, prompting you to approach every aspect of your life through the lens of faith. As you face challenges, encounter dilemmas, or make choices, pause and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. By doing so, you honor God and exemplify a life rooted in faith.

Let this verse echo in your heart and mind as you journey through life, as a constant reminder to live out your faith in every endeavor. In a world where values and standards are constantly shifting, be unwavering in your faith and convictions. May your actions always be underpinned by genuine belief that whatever you do that doesn’t spring from faith is, by definition, sinful.

Daily Devotional Message

James 2:14 Faith in Action

“My dear brothers and sisters, what good is it if someone claims to have faith but demonstrates no good works to prove it? How could this kind of faith save anyone?” (TPT)

James asks a challenging question. James emphasizes that true faith requires more than just belief; it requires action. James encourages you to examine your life honestly and determine if your faith is alive and active or stagnant and lifeless. Your faith should inspire you to go beyond mere words and make a difference in the lives of others. When your faith is alive, it not only transforms you but also impacts those around you.

As you consider James 2:14, be motivated to live out your faith in practical ways that bring glory to God and help those in need. Let your faith extend beyond belief and be seen through acts of love, mercy, and justice. May your actions reflect the love and character of Jesus Christ and may your faith in action draw you closer to Him and be a source of hope for a hurting world. Rise up and let your life be a testament to the power of faith in action.

Daily Devotional Message

Hebrews 11:1 - A Glimpse into the Unseen

In the epistle of Hebrews, you are offered a profound insight into the nature of faith. Faith is described as "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Here, faith is portrayed as a powerful force that transcends the tangible and acquires a deeper understanding of the unseen realities.

Hebrews 11:1 urges believers to live beyond the limitations of what your physical senses can perceive. It beckons you to embrace a profound trust in God's promises, even when circumstances seem bleak and hope far-off. With this verse, you are reminded that faith requires an unwavering belief in God's ultimate goodness, even in the midst of the unknown. This brief but potent verse inspires and challenges you to walk confidently in your faith journey. It whispers that faith is not blind optimism, but rather an unshakeable certainty in the promises of God, allowing you to grasp the unseen with the eyes of your heart.

As you navigate life's unpredictability, Hebrews 11:1 calls you to imagine and believe in the fulfillment of God's divine plans. To trust that, despite what you may see with your human eyes, God is at work. It reminds you that faith is the bridge between your earthly existence and the eternal promises of the faithful Creator.

Step into the realm of faith captured by Hebrews 11:1, where hope comes alive, and the impossible is made possible. Let it empower you to press forward with conviction, regardless of what lies ahead, for it is through faith that we truly grasp the unseen realities orchestrated by the hands of an all-knowing God.

Daily Devotional Message

Romans 10:17 - The Gateway to Faith and Transformation

Paul's powerful words reminds believers of the essential role faith plays in our journey with Christ. This profound verse declares, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Within these simplicity lies a profound truth that can transform your life.

Faith is not merely a product of your own efforts or innate wisdom; it is a gift that emerges when you open your heart to God's Word. As you deeply study the Scriptures, attune your ears to the whisper of God, your faith blossoms and flourishes. The verse invites you to reflect on the transformative power of God's Word. When you engage with the timeless truths and stories encapsulated in Scripture, your spirit is awakened to the reality of who God truly is. Through His Word, you encounter the living Christ, whose message of love, redemption, and grace penetrates the deepest recesses of your being.

Furthermore, this verse displays the vital link between hearing and faith. As you actively listen to the Word of Christ, you open yourself to receive His wisdom, His promises, and His commands. It is in this receptive posture that your doubts are replaced by trust, and your fears are swallowed by His unfailing peace. The Word ignites a flame of faith within you, empowering you to walk confidently in His ways.

This text emphasizes the foundational role of God's Word in nurturing your faith. It urges you to prioritize the regular study, meditation, and application of Scripture in your lives. By cultivating this discipline, you unlock a wellspring of faith that empowers you to overcome life's challenges, stand firm in the face of adversity, and walk victoriously in the path God has laid before you. As you internalize the wisdom of Romans 10:17, invite Christ into your life. Embark on a sacred journey of knowing Him intimately, hearing His voice distinctly, and growing in faith that transcends earthly limitations. Take heed these transformative words, embracing the power of God's Word, and open your heart to the faith that can move mountains.

Daily Devotional Message

Matthew 21:21 - A Powerful Reminder of Faith's Potential. In Matthew 21:21, Jesus encourages His disciples to have unwavering faith in God. As they marveled at the withered fig tree, Jesus declared, "Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' it will happen."

This powerful verse reminds you that a steadfast belief in God's sovereignty can move mountains and bring about incredible miracles. It challenges you to let go of doubt and embrace the limitless power of faith. May you trust, without reservation, in the One who can accomplish the impossible through your unwavering faith.

Comparison is Deceptive

Who told you that "they" were better or greater than you? Who told you "they" had it made? Who told you "they" have it all together? Who told you that you are less than "them"? Who told you that you never win? Who told you? Think about that! Who is feeding you those lies? Looks can be deceiving and behind that keyboard they are very deceiving. Why would you use someone else's measuring stick to rule your life? Do not be deceived! The only thing you should compare is are YOU a better person than YOU were yesterday.

Keep sowing, fertilizing and mowing your own lawn. They sell more than one kind of grass seed! My yard does not have to look like my neighbor's yard!

God Qualifies the Called

Have you ever noticed in the bible when God called certain servants (ex. Moses & Gideon) to an assignment, the initial response was about their limitations in doing the task? Do you often get caught up with what you see as your limitations in fulfilling God's assignment. God is your creator; he already knows all of your weaknesses, but yet he still calls you. Please understand, God is not calling you do anything of your own power but His! It is with his help; the assignment will be completed. He will qualify you for your calling. Be encouraged that God is with you and go forth in your God given assignment!

Wednesday - December 14, 2022

Day 18 - Joy over Happiness: God is consistent and never changes. God is the source of your strength. God is kind enough that he provides you the choice to invite him into your life. God is gracious enough that he is patient and provides you with new mercies every day. And the same is with joy over happiness. Joy is what is within you and the circumstances you are in does not change your joy. Happiness may be here today and gone tomorrow. Happiness is a feeling. You cannot depend on happiness. If you had a choice of constant or variable, which would you choose? Joy is an attitude. Joy is determination and stands firm. During this season, choose something that is constant and never changing. Choose Christ. Choose to have joy! Joy everlasting.

Tuesday - December 13, 2022

Day 17 -Fruits of the Spirit: This Christmas season often reminds of me of a time when my great-grandmother would give us fruit at Christmas time. We would have a bag to grab all the fruit and candy at our choice. She had a buffet of choices of fruit and hard candy to select. I would look forward to this season every year. During this season of giving, you too, must give out the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) that God has requested of us to give others. Do not get caught up in the season of “decorations over devotion” and “presents over his presence” and fall short of what you are to pour to others. There is someone waiting on you to give them a “fruit of the spirit” to help their spirit. This is a season about Christ so do not leave him out of Christmas. Pour your fruit into others on today.

Monday - December 12, 2022

Day 16 - Be Not Afraid: This is what God your master has instructed you. So why do you worry? So why do you fret? So, what if you did not get that job? So, what if that door did not open that you wanted to open? God is your very own secret revealer. He knows what you need, when you need, how to give it to you and when you are ready to receive it. When he says he is with you, do not compare him to man, trust and know that he is with you! Trust him to know what he is doing. He did create you so do you not think the builder knows what material he needs for his project? Do you not think he knows when to add or take away? Again, he is all knowing - trust him! Again, be NOT afraid!

Sunday - December 11, 2022

Day 15 -Rejoice in God: Rejoice in God always, I say rejoice. Have you have been so low in your life that you did not feel like rejoicing? Have you have been going through a storm and you felt like God was not there? Have you ever felt that you made a decision or choice and you saw no way out? Did you receive that diagnosis that seems to be an end? I am here to tell you God is still there. Yes, even if you feel like the situation or decision is too far gone. There is no where you can go, and God is not there.

This is a reminder that you are to rejoice, still! Rejoice in knowing that he is there. Rejoice in knowing that he already knows. Rejoice in knowing that he has the way out. Rejoice in knowing that he has the answer. Do not look at your circumstances or situation. You are not rejoicing at the circumstances; you are rejoicing in knowing that God is bigger than anything you may be going through. So I need for you to choose today - to REJOICE!