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Sister Talk

Sister- to - sister

Hear a Word from God to help encourage you along your journey. Connect with other sisters to lean on, to life you and to love on you in your journey.

2024 Mission Work


Joseph, a dreamer, faced the pit and jail. Yet, despite the storms, God enabled him to triumph in the end, benefiting not only himself but also his loved ones. Though we may not grasp the purpose in our own storms, it is possible that God is preparing us to aid and conquer, even when we feel abandoned. #godstimingisgodskindness


2023 Mission Work


JULY 2022: Sister Circle - “You were created for a purpose”


June 2022 :

Sister Circle: Celebrating Seasons in a Famine

Celebrating seasons - famine

Don’t act off of your emotions in your famine season. God may be trying to shift you or get your attention. Be still and hear what God is trying to tell you.

Ask - Trust - Move! (A.T.M.)


2021 Mission Work


2021 Prophetic Revelations

10/20/21 Flow of God:

As I walked along the beach I came across a small stream flowing into bigger water (ocean). The stream seemed small enough to walk through but as I walked through it as long as I was going with the flow the path was easy and seemed effortless but as I tried to go against or opposite the stream, the walk was kind of tough and resistant. A couple times I almost lost my balance because that small stream had power in the flow.

I am reminded of our walk with God destined for eternity (bigger water) with him! As we walk with him (with the stream’s flow) it’s a smoother walk(flow) but anything against or opposite of him(opposite the flow) you will have resistance and maybe even fall short! He has the power to give you what you need in the walk. Make sure you are walking in the flow God has for your life! I want to see you make it to the bigger water(eternity with God)!! Love you! Make it a great day!!!!


09/10/2021: Birthing Process

Have you witnessed it? Notice the amazement of the size of the birthing canal that the newborn exits from…it seems so small but enlarges enough for the newborn to pass through (when entering the new world). God designed it for such a purpose to stretch according to the size needed for the newborn to birth through.

REVELATION: God knows exactly what we need, when to expand the situation or walls or how much pressure to apply or release in our situation - ALL for our good! (Romans 8:28). He holds the time to be birthed and knows where you must travel (through the birthing canal) to be birthed. Nothing happens without his knowledge.

Ever noticed or considered the pressure that is placed on the newborn to come through the birthing canal, as the newborn enters the new world. I recall my baby having a coned shaped head due to the pressure at birth. After the birthing process, I recall my God mom told me “You shaped their head beautifully.” 

REVELATION: As with God, when we are going through a birthing process, things may seem out of shape and do not look as good as we may think they should be. We feel we should be further along in the delivery process. Things may even look bad! BUT God shapes you perfectly and fills you with what you need and where he wants you! You come out just as when we see the newborn baby- beautiful! Allow him to mold you! He is the potter, and we are the clay (Jeremiah 18:6). Sometimes he must tear us back down and build us up again! Glory to God for the work he is doing in our lives! (Romans 11:33). HE IS the designer and creator! Trust God!

Have you felt the pressure of life when God was birthing you into something new? You felt like you should give up (don’t listen to the lies of the enemy) know his word and remind yourself of his promises to YOU/US!! You did not want the pain. You were afraid of the unknown. The way seemed dark. Maybe you feel like that the umbilical cord is choking you and not supplying you with the required nutrients to survive. Have faith! He knew you before you were formed in the womb!!! (Jeremiah 1:5).

You did not feel you would make it through this birthing process (as a mom feels during labor - as she must keep pushing and pushing)? You must keep thriving and keep pushing your way!  You have come to far to give up now. A mom carries and nurtures the child nine months - will she now not birth her child? You are a child of the most high - will he now just leave you! No! Never! He will leave the 99 to go after the 1 (Matthew 18:12). You are his creation, and he loves you!!! (Genesis 1:27)

As with the birth of newborns- there is excitement, tears of joy and love! Just like a mom after birth - it’s all a glorious feeling and you don’t tend to think on the pain and pressure of the process. When we look back over how he brought us through the canal - we worship him! Always remember to praise and worship him with every breath you take in your birthing process!!! Hallelujah! All praises to God