Day 13-Mercy: God granting us what we do not deserve. Christians are to be “like Christ”. A part of being “like Christ” involves letting your light shine and leading of others to Christ so they too can be “like Christ”. God loved us ALL and sacrificed his life for ALL. Just as God loved us, even in our mess, Christians should love all and have a heart to help everyone (not a select few), even in a mess. God helps, in a mess and sometimes blesses, in a mess - He grants MERCY.
Christians have to be thankful for God’s mercy and show grant the same mercy to others. Christians are not called to claim the title of “Christian” and not display the characteristics of Christ. That means loving when you do not feel they deserve your love. That means forgiving when you do not think they deserve forgiveness. That means praying for their soul, even when they have done you wrong. Pray to God that you give the same mercy to others, as he has given unto you.