Proverbs 31:25
Daily Devotional
Ephesians 4:32
Daily Devotional
Matthew 18:20
Daily Devotional
Colossians 4:5-6
Daily Devotional
James 5;16
Daily Devotional
Philippians 4:6-7
Daily Devotional
2 Chronicles 7:14
Comparison is Deceptive
Who told you that "they" were better or greater than you? Who told you "they" had it made? Who told you "they" have it all together? Who told you that you are less than "them"? Who told you that you never win? Who told you? Think about that! Who is feeding you those lies? Looks can be deceiving and behind that keyboard they are very deceiving. Why would you use someone else's measuring stick to rule your life? Do not be deceived! The only thing you should compare is are YOU a better person than YOU were yesterday.
Keep sowing, fertilizing and mowing your own lawn. They sell more than one kind of grass seed! My yard does not have to look like my neighbor's yard!
God Qualifies the Called
Have you ever noticed in the bible when God called certain servants (ex. Moses & Gideon) to an assignment, the initial response was about their limitations in doing the task? Do you often get caught up with what you see as your limitations in fulfilling God's assignment. God is your creator; he already knows all of your weaknesses, but yet he still calls you. Please understand, God is not calling you do anything of your own power but His! It is with his help; the assignment will be completed. He will qualify you for your calling. Be encouraged that God is with you and go forth in your God given assignment!
Happy New Year - 2023
May God’s blessings and favor shine upon you in the year of 2023.
Wednesday - December 14, 2022
Day 18 - Joy over Happiness: God is consistent and never changes. God is the source of your strength. God is kind enough that he provides you the choice to invite him into your life. God is gracious enough that he is patient and provides you with new mercies every day. And the same is with joy over happiness. Joy is what is within you and the circumstances you are in does not change your joy. Happiness may be here today and gone tomorrow. Happiness is a feeling. You cannot depend on happiness. If you had a choice of constant or variable, which would you choose? Joy is an attitude. Joy is determination and stands firm. During this season, choose something that is constant and never changing. Choose Christ. Choose to have joy! Joy everlasting.
Tuesday - December 13, 2022
Day 17 -Fruits of the Spirit: This Christmas season often reminds of me of a time when my great-grandmother would give us fruit at Christmas time. We would have a bag to grab all the fruit and candy at our choice. She had a buffet of choices of fruit and hard candy to select. I would look forward to this season every year. During this season of giving, you too, must give out the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) that God has requested of us to give others. Do not get caught up in the season of “decorations over devotion” and “presents over his presence” and fall short of what you are to pour to others. There is someone waiting on you to give them a “fruit of the spirit” to help their spirit. This is a season about Christ so do not leave him out of Christmas. Pour your fruit into others on today.
Monday - December 12, 2022
Day 16 - Be Not Afraid: This is what God your master has instructed you. So why do you worry? So why do you fret? So, what if you did not get that job? So, what if that door did not open that you wanted to open? God is your very own secret revealer. He knows what you need, when you need, how to give it to you and when you are ready to receive it. When he says he is with you, do not compare him to man, trust and know that he is with you! Trust him to know what he is doing. He did create you so do you not think the builder knows what material he needs for his project? Do you not think he knows when to add or take away? Again, he is all knowing - trust him! Again, be NOT afraid!
Sunday - December 11, 2022
Day 15 -Rejoice in God: Rejoice in God always, I say rejoice. Have you have been so low in your life that you did not feel like rejoicing? Have you have been going through a storm and you felt like God was not there? Have you ever felt that you made a decision or choice and you saw no way out? Did you receive that diagnosis that seems to be an end? I am here to tell you God is still there. Yes, even if you feel like the situation or decision is too far gone. There is no where you can go, and God is not there.
This is a reminder that you are to rejoice, still! Rejoice in knowing that he is there. Rejoice in knowing that he already knows. Rejoice in knowing that he has the way out. Rejoice in knowing that he has the answer. Do not look at your circumstances or situation. You are not rejoicing at the circumstances; you are rejoicing in knowing that God is bigger than anything you may be going through. So I need for you to choose today - to REJOICE!
Saturday - December 10, 2022
Day 14- Jesus the light. It should bring you joy that when God is the head of your life, you no longer have to walk in darkness. Even when you do not know the way, it is God who leads you. Even when you are confused and wonder what step to take next, it is God who guides you (even if you make the wrong decision). There is joy in knowing that God being the light of your life, you will never have to worry about being lost and in the darkness. Just as He led His children out of the wilderness, He will lead and guide you.
There is great joy in knowing that his light shines within you so that others may come to know him. When you allow your light to shine, you are calling others to the light out of darkness. The only way they will see their way out is if you allow your light to shine so they too can see the light of Christ. Let your line so shine so that others may come to the light of Christ. Make a decision today “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.”
Friday - December 9, 2022
Day 13-Mercy: God granting us what we do not deserve. Christians are to be “like Christ”. A part of being “like Christ” involves letting your light shine and leading of others to Christ so they too can be “like Christ”. God loved us ALL and sacrificed his life for ALL. Just as God loved us, even in our mess, Christians should love all and have a heart to help everyone (not a select few), even in a mess. God helps, in a mess and sometimes blesses, in a mess - He grants MERCY.
Christians have to be thankful for God’s mercy and show grant the same mercy to others. Christians are not called to claim the title of “Christian” and not display the characteristics of Christ. That means loving when you do not feel they deserve your love. That means forgiving when you do not think they deserve forgiveness. That means praying for their soul, even when they have done you wrong. Pray to God that you give the same mercy to others, as he has given unto you.
Thursday - December 8, 2022
Day 12- Forgiveness and the Cross: We are so undeserving of the goodness of God, yet he loves us still. Yet while we were sinners, he forgave us. Yet we walk with our brothers and sisters, daily, and forgiveness is the least and hardest thing for some of us to do for one another. We should be thankful and grateful that God is nothing like man when it comes to his love for us. We should live our life as the reflection of Christ on the Cross (Love and forgiveness) and stop trying to be God by attempting to change others. Learn to forgive as Christ forgave you.
Wednesday - December 7, 2022
Day #11-Intentional love: To be intentional about something implies that you make a conscious effort. God is an intentional God (means there is a purpose and a plan). When he commands you to be intentional in loving others - it is all a part of his plan, his purpose. You were created for his purpose. You are called to be intentional about loving others, you are called to help others and serve others. He has already shown us an example, all you have to do is say yes to being intentional about loving others. Allow him to pour through you to others. Be intentional!
Tuesday - December 6, 2022
Day #10-Servitude: Jesus gave up everything and came down to save you and me. He came down, walked as man, died and rose (for us). Jesus, our redeemer, paid the price of our sins. Jesus is the perfect example of serving others. You are called to be like Christ. You are called to serve others. You are called to humble yourself and show Christ to others. When was the last time you served others? Who can you serve today? How can you show the example of Christ today? Try it, today!
Monday - December 5, 2022
Day # 9-Obedience: God’s greatest commandment is for you to love him with all your heart, and with all your soul and all of your mind. That requires ALL of you. He did not command to love only with one of the three. If you say you love him, that means you will obey him. Love and obedience are intertwined. God wants all of you and being human sometimes that may feel like a task. The joy of knowing what he requires of you is that he is there to help you, just ASK. He desires what is best, but he gives you a choice. Obedience bears blessings and being in God’s plan. Do not fret when you fail, lift your head, pick yourself up and ask God to help you along the way.